How to Boost Sales with Coupons


Coupons and discounts are a valuable way for e-commerce shops to boost sales. Getting a coupon or discount offer can push a potential shopper to click that buy button. Coupons can convert new customers and bring back old customers. Coupons can ultimately boost revenue and help move product.

Why Use Coupons?

So what makes coupons so great in the first place? They make people buy. Here are some interesting stats to back up the power of coupons:

  • 50% are more likely to visit a store if they have a coupon.
  • 60% of first-time shoppers will complete a purchase if they have a coupon.
  • 57% of online shoppers say they wouldn’t have bought something if they didn’t have a coupon.

More than being good for your bottom line, coupons also make shoppers feel better. Exactly 11% better.

According to a 2012 study about what science says about discounts, shoppers who received a coupon had a 38% rise in oxytocin levels, their respiration rates dropped 32%, heart rates slowed 5%, and sweat levels were 20 times lower. In short, shoppers were less stressed and more relaxed if they used a coupon to make a purchase. And they were 11% happier. All thanks to a coupon.

boost sales with coupons

Original by iThemes

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