Author: michael

Michael brings over two decades of experience in the Web Development and Search Engine Optimization field. He specializes in everything WordPress & WooCommerce related. His experiences are from WordPress Development to maintenance, security, optimization, promotion, as well local search, lead magnets, website audit, analytics, and conversion rate optimization.
Mastering WordPress Website Redesign – Proven Strategies for a Successful Site Overhaul

Mastering WordPress Website Redesign – Proven Strategies for a Successful Site Overhaul

Hey there! If you’re reading this, it indicates your curiosity in discovering ways to enhance or redesign your WordPress website. Regardless of your objectives – whether it’s improving SEO, modernizing the site, or enhancing performance…

Get the Most Out of Your Website – 10 Key Steps for Website Speed and Performance Optimization

Get the Most Out of Your Website – 10 Key Steps for Website Speed and Performance Optimization

Why do you need Website Speed Optimization? Nowadays, website speed and performance optimization are essential for any business that wants to succeed online. Research has demonstrated that site loading time could significantly affect user experience,…